Here are some of our utilities we put into public as freeware.
PMFAR - plugin to a file manager for MS Windows called FAR.
This plugin adds a viewer of mail folders used by Pegasus Mail. Installation is easy:
just unzip the DLL library and copy it anywhere in your FAR\Plugins folder.
To use it, simply hit Ctrl-PgDn on a mail folder file (wtih PMI suffix).
VESAMod - is a tool we originally used to
track problems with our PictView. It detects various types of video adapters,
scans VESA BIOS and saves video ROM into a file. The video mode information
can be viewed by VESAInfo. We will be glad if you send us the generated file,
it will help us in keeping PictView updated to reflect new trends in video adapters.
VESAInfo - lists details about VESA BIOS
modes stored in a file created by VESAMod.