PVW32 is a 32bit DLL library that can read and display images in over
50 formats. This DLL exports 17 simple API functions.
The DLL can be easily used by third party applications, such as file managers. PVW32Cnv is a superset of PVW32. In addition to PVW32, it supports
conversion to 21 file formats using 3 additional functions.
The functions exported by the two DLLs support:
Retrieve image information (e.g. dimensions, format, compression method,...)
Reading (decompressing) an image, progressive display during decompression is available
Display the image at given coordinates
Support of multi-page TIFFs, faxes, multiple bitmaps (including preview) in CorelDraw vector images
Every function returns a status code which can be converted into a text message
English, Czech, French, and German versions available
Header files and link libraries for MSVC, Watcom C++, Borland C++, Borland Delphi, Power Basic
The package contains nine simple samples in C language (including 3 image viewers in pure API, image viewer in OWL,
image properties dumper, 2 image converters) and three samples in Delphi
Direct saving of memory-located images described by DIB and DDB handles
User-provided data handling functions allow to work with images not stored in separate files but in memory or proprietary streams
Support of transparent background in MS Windows icons, cursors, GIFs, and PNGs
Image stretching and smooth shrinking
Vertical and horizontal mirrors, 90, 180, 270 deg rotations
Conversion to grayscales and between different bit-depths.
PVW32.dll has only 196 KB and PVW32Cnv.dll has 268 KB
Download an English demo (490 KB) limited to the end of February 2011.
This package contains both DLLs, headers, all samples, and detailed description of the API
in form of a Windows help file.
License conditions: Unlike most of the other products at this site, this is not freeware,
but a commercial product. Possible license to use LZW algorithm is not included.
We provide a LZW-free version as well.
Please contact us for conditions at